Skylanders who is the weapon master

Q: Why cant you talk to the weapon master on skylanders? Write your answer Related questions. Why can't I talk to the weapon master on skylanders spyro's adventure?

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Where do you get the master weapons in Fable 2? Study Guides. Trending Questions. What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand? Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. What characteristics of a tragic hero does Macbeth possess and banquo lack?

What could result if a 30 year old lawyer continued to eat as he did as a 17 years old football player? User Info: Funfun Apparently this is a known glitch only for the Wii version in which, you can not move on in the story. The chapters must be done consecutively without going back to the ruins or quitting. Sorry for the bad news. User Info: cannycorn Reset your game.

If that doesn't work buy stump smash. He will always talk to stump. Trust me I had the same prob. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.


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